by RM Engelhart


Welcome To The Metro Poem.

This place will be a new and unique forum for poets, poetry & the spoken word here in the Capital Region poetry scene, including open mics, new voices, old voices, new books and interviews with area writers about their lives and their work. We are very excited to be a part of the new Metroland Now that is going to be an amazing influence on the Upstate New York literary, music and arts communities. Before we begin, introductions are in order.  My name is R.M. Engelhardt, a poet myself and I've been a part of this great and legendary literary scene on and off for almost 30 years since the early 1990s curating poetry open mics, shows and benefits like so many other scribes locally keeping the spoken word alive. There are older and younger writers here and we all have our stories to tell from different places, times, backgrounds, writing forms and styles.  And it's always been my belief and sole idealism that “Poetry is For Everyone” and that there are no rules, no degrees and no holds barred on what makes art or poetry possible.

Poetry is a sonnet. Poetry is free verse. Poetry is pure creativity & resistance. And poetry is still what makes beauty and the ordinary possible. Back in the early 2000’s I wrote a column for the last incarnation of Metroland and did my best to help bring attention to events and the work of local writers by providing a place for their poetry submissions and the listings of their events. 

I hope to do the same for other writers and poets here. The door has literally been reopened. Thanks Erin Harkes.

So… Local poet? Local writer? Got an event that you want to put the word out about?  A new book on the horizon? Interested in finding out more about local Albany area readings or submitting your work? Maybe even perhaps writing an article or two? 

Send an email to me at rm@themetroland.com


~ R.M. Engelhardt